Once your order has been placed, you will receive an order number, which is shown on the order confirmation screen. You will also receive a confirmation email. If you don't receive this email, please check your spam folder as your mail provider may have sent it there for security reasons. These acknowledgements and confirmation emails do not mean that your order has been accepted, nor do they guarantee that your order can be fulfilled.
Our acceptance of your order will take place when we dispatch the goods to you. Please note your credit/debit card may be charged at any point between acknowledgement of your order and dispatch. However, if we cannot accept your order, we will inform you of this.
We may not accept your order for the following reasons:
- The product is out of stock or otherwise unavailable,
- Unexpected limits on our resources which we could not reasonably plan for,
- We cannot authorise your payment,
- We are not allowed to sell the goods to you, or you are not allowed to buy the goods from us,
- You have ordered too many goods,
- There has been a mistake in the pricing or description of the product, or
- We are unable to meet a delivery deadline you have specified.
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